Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Introducing... My Interlock IT blog

I'm a bit strange in being a professional account (CMA) with an insatiable curiosity for technology and gadgets.  I'm lucky that my wife of 16 years, Lesley, a psychotherapist, puts up with my constant tinkering and spending on the latest gizmo's.  Take for example, the birth of our first child in 2003, when I pre-built a website to host all the baby pictures and then spent too many hours trying to find a web cam that could see in the dark.  I ended up buying a camera solution from one of the baby monitor manufacturers that required too many steps to use the picture-in-picture on our TV, and had horrible image quality and lots of static... but I wasn't willing to give up.  Lesley had to stand by the TV and constantly give me feedback until I finally figured out the one spot on the wall that produced a reasonable image but required rearranging all the furniture in the baby room.  What normal wife would put up with that?

Anyway, back to the topic at hand.  For me this blog is about contributing tips that will hopefully help others with their business and technology challenges as similar contributions from others have helped me time and time again.

I love figuring out things that stumped everybody else and most of my solutions are found by scouring the internet forums for ideas. Some would say I'm gifted in my ability to make things work but it comes naturally when you love doing it.

Certainly, I also hope that my blog will generate referrals which are so critical to the long term success of an organically grown consulting firm.